Rob's ITunes Playlist!

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  1. crazysimy

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    Rob's ITunes Playlist!

    Accanto alle canzoni che ho trovato su youtube, vi ho aggiunto il link per ascoltarle; alcune le ho, e appena posso le carico e ve le metto su mega

    "C-Jam Blues" by Oscar Peterson: "What I learned how to play blues piano riffs from. Peterson was the best."Ascolta qui

    "Soldier Sender" by John Lee Hooker: "If I could have a song as a wife..."

    "Soft" by Kings of Leon: "I've always thought that I really relate to the lyrics of this even though I don't really know what they are. I love the singer's enunciation in all their songs. They are pretty much the only modern band I can say I am a fan of."Per ascoltare qui

    "Cold Sweat" by James Brown: "This song hits me just as hard every time I've heard it since I was a little kid and I listened to James Brown on the way to school." Ascolta Qui

    "Dean" by Terry Reid
    : "I love Terry Reid. I love the schizophrenic decisions he makes towards the end of this song when he's choosing what notes to sing.Terry Reid was just one of those guys like James Brown who when they got into a groove, it just seemed like they'd want to keep singing the same line, let alone the same song, all night."Ascolta qui

    "Stepping Out Queen, Pt. II" by Van Morrison: "Another guy who has such a visionary and unique take on what structure in songwriting is, what singing is, and what can be achieved emotioanlly and spiritually through music."

    "Lengths" by The Black Keys
    : "Another new band I like. This is a beautiful song. I like how it's produced. This whole album is great."Ascolta qui

    "One Mo'gin" by D'Angelo: "I love D'Angelo. I used to always try and sing like him when I was younger and embarrassingly fail. I like his pronunciation when he sings. I think when you try and write lyrics and you think that there is no way the listener will figure out what you're saying or what you mean, you write much more honestly. I think."Ascolta qui

    "Blue Monday People" by Curtis Mayfield: "Got inspired by putting D'Angelo on. This whole album is amazing. The production on it is incredible. A really interesting album which not a lot of people listen to. Don't know why."

    "Brown Trout Blues" by Johnny Flynn: "I grew up with some amazing musicians in London who are still my friends. Marcus Foster, Bobby Long and Sam Bradley are recording their albums now, but Johnny Flynn completed his one a while ago. I just saw him play in L.A. and he was incredible. But he's always been incredible so I can't say I was surprised. Get this album it's great and no one else does music like him at all."Ascolta qui

    "Ambulance Blues" by Neil Young: "One of the most moving songs ever written or recorded. I used to listen to the line 'I guess I'll call it sickness gone' on repeat for hours when I wanted to try and write something."Ascolta qui

    "A Whiter Shade of Pale" by King Curtis
    : "Just a beautiful song. Reminds me of the end of Withnail and I."Ascolta qui

    "Ruby's Arms" by Tom Waits: "My favorite Tom Waits song. I cry almost every time I hear it. Plays over an amazing scene in one of my favorite movies too - Prenom Carmen."Ascolta qui

    "(First) Essay for Orchestra, Op. 12" by Atlanta Symphony Orchestra & Yoel Levi
    : "This song just hurts, it's so beautiful."Ascolta qui

    "T.B. Sheets" by Van Morrison: "Only Vam Morrison can do a performance like this. No one else has come close."

    Edited by crazysimy - 13/11/2008, 12:27
  2. Tonsy92

    User deleted

    Devo ammettere che nn ne conoscevo punte cò alcune nn sono x niente male.....:]
    grazie di avele spostate!!!
  3. § Violet Hill §

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    La seconda canzone non esiste.
    L'ho cercata in lungo e in largo ma non c'è.

    MA esiste una canzone sempre di John Lee Hooker intitolata Solid Sender. Evidentemente c'è stato un piccolo errore di trascrizione. (Rob, tesoro, che mi combini? Bisogna sempre starti dietro in tutto.. .-_-)

    Non si trova su YouTube.
    Dato che Rob afferma che la vorrebbe come moglie (lol), mi sembra il caso di divulgarla! ^_^

    Quindi per scaricarla andate qui:

    Buon ascolto!
  4. ».Untouched*

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    nuu il file dice che al momento non è dispnibile, vabbè per il resto le altre sono carine, mi piacciono anche se non sono praticamente il mio genere xD ma devo dire che ha gusto
  5. Bambolina_Tossica

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    sono ascoltabili,però non ne conoscevo nemmeno una
  6. *DevilDoll*

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    van morrison lo conosco ..però lol!!! io e lui di musica siamo 2 mondi assolutamente paralleli ... vabbò capita...
  7. *_giovy_*

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    grande simy...!!!

    alcune sn carine sisi :)
  8. Giù_loveRob_Pattinson

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    Robert non si smente mai!!
    bella musica!
  9. • Niikii ~

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    Non ne conosco manco una xD xD
  10. SIMMY83

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    Un tipo di musica non ne conoscevo nemmeno una di canzone!!!!!Rob serve anche a questo....allargare i nostri orizzonti!!!!!!IhIhIh!!!!
  11. Letyyy

    User deleted

    io conoscevo solo i kings of leon e van morrison. per il resto nulla! (non mi piace la sua playlist.. <_<)
  12. pearljamgirl

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    :wub: Neil Young, Tom Waits.... e i Kings Of Leon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: Rob ti adoro

    SPOILER (click to view)
    se non riesco a conquistarlo ripiego sul cantante dei Kings Of Leon... :shifty: Caleb, aspettami!
  13. Letyyy

    User deleted

    se non riesco a conquistarlo ripiego sul cantante dei Kings Of Leon... Caleb, aspettami!

    eh si conviene... :]]]
  14. Kiki°Pattz

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    Certo che ascolta roba strana..e generi diversi tra loro
    Io conosco solo di nome Van Morrison Kings of Leon e Neil Young ma non li avevo mai sentiti
  15. Silvia'84

    User deleted

    io adoro questa musica...sono praticamente cresciuta ascoltando Van Morrison, lo adoro...e anche le altre canzoni le avevo già sulla mia play, in fatto di musica e io e lui saremmo perfetti...
32 replies since 13/11/2008, 12:05   2040 views