Le clip di "Breaking Dawn" mostrate all'Empire Big Screen saranno on-line la settimana

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  1. Giulietta B.93

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    Da molti giorni ormai, sono in molti a chiedersi quando finalmente potremo vedere le clip in HQ mostrate all'Empire Big Screen il 13 agosto. Finalmente abbiamo una risposta certa: la prossima settimana (i giorni fra il 22 e il 26), in accordo con la Summit, potremo trovarle on-line.


    According to The Hollywood News, the two Breaking Dawn Part 1 clips that were shown at the Empire Presents Big Screen Event over the weekend and at Comic-Con in July will hit the web next week (August 22nd-26th).

    Onto day two and straight into the EOne Panel which saw us promised some clips from TWILIGHT: BREAKING DAWN PART 1. We had a bit of an issue in terms of getting to the two clips, but indeed they came just as the Sony panel was about to begin. Saturday was the day that we started live blogging the event and yes, we ran into a little bit of trouble in being allowed to do this during the Sony panel which we respect 100%, but that did affect us nearly missing said two TWILIGHT clips. They did come, and we were allowed to stay to see them. Here’s our thoughts at the time (from the live blog):

    The first clip is of Edward and Bella in their honeymoon suite with Edward carrying her into the room….

    They are looking down at the marital bed
    Edward very coy looking, they are holding hands and Edward asks Bella if she wants to go for a swim???
    They kiss, and Edward heads out onto the veranda while Bella exters the bathroom to ‘prepare’.
    Apologies guys, we have just been asked to leave the auditorium to hand in our laptops. We did just manage to see the two clips. The end of the one we were describing saw Bella and Edward go for a midnight swim, and then the second was heavy with the prescence of Taylor Lautner and the wolf pack in a forest… We will post a full report later, but we are currently to sort out the security problem. Apologies

    So that was all that we got down at the time, and again we apologies to the hundreds of TWILIGHT fans that were reading the blog as we updated. We think that a lot of you missed out as we also had to switch blog consoles as this overlapped into the Sony panel. We have been told since however that these clips are all set to hit the web next week, so do keep it THN as we will post them just as soon as we get them.


    Secondo “The Hollywood News”, le due clip tratte da Breaking Dawn Part 1 che sono state mostrate all’Empire Big Screen durante il weekend, e al Comic-con a Luglio, arriveranno sul web la prossima settimana (tra il 22 ed il 26 di Agosto)

    Nella parte successiva, dicono che è stato concesso loro il privilegio di poter vedere le famose clip tratte dal film. E riportano ciò che è stato scritto durante il live blogging dell’evento.

    - La prima clip riguarda Edward e Bella durante la luna di miele, dove Edward porta Bella in braccio nella stanza della suite..
    Guardano il letto matrimoniale.. poi Edward guarda Bella e le chiede se ha voglia di farsi una nuotata.. Si baciano, e poi Edward esce e va in veranda mentre Bella va in bagno a prepararsi.
    [Si scusano perchè gli amministratori dell'evento hanno chiesto loro di portare fuori i computer dall'auditorium e poi ricominciano con la descrizione della scena]
    La fine della clip comunque, vede Bella ed Edward che si fanno un bagno di mezzanotte.

    - Nella seconda Clip invece, si vede Jacob, con il resto del wolf-pack nella foresta..
    [Si scusano per l'ennesima volta perchè di nuovo non possono dire di più]

    Ci assicurano infine dicendo che è stato detto loro che comunque queste clips dovrebbero uscire tutte settimana prossima, e che le posteranno subito appena usciranno!

  2. fema85

    User deleted

    a quanto pare dovrebbero esssere le stesse del Comic Con.......Almeno riusciremo a vederle in HQ!!!!!!!Speriamo!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. ChIaRa__88

    User deleted

    Speriamo bene ragazze per queste clip! mmh io le vorrei vedere per bene! XD
2 replies since 16/8/2011, 17:29   73 views