Happy B-Day Rob!

Scrivi i tuoi messaggi di auguri

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  1. _EnGland_

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    Dear Rob
    I'm a your Italian fan and I want to congratulate with you for all the emotions you give me in your performances, specially in Remember Me, I really love this movie!!
    Now I'm waiting for your next movies!
    Best wishes for your Birthday and I hope you enjoy a beatiful day!

    ok , questo è il mio messaggio per Rob!
    spero non ci siano errori, dato che l'inglese (per ora) non lo so... ^^
  2. InfiltrataCullen

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    You must not ever change because you are so beautiful. I hope that life will always smile for you. Happy birthday. Chahra

    Raga non sono sicura della traduzione quindi vi metto anche il testo in italiano ;)

    Non cambiare mai perché sei stupendo così come sei. Spero che la vita ti sorrida sempre. Buon compleanno. Chahra

    (sono stata breve xD perché penso che sia noioso dopo un po' leggere così tanta roba xD)
  3. letizia_ama_rob

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    Dear Rob,
    I want to wish you best wishes for your 24 years, and thank you for all the emotions that I send even a smile. I wish you all the good you deserve.
    Letizia ♥
    L'inglese sarà pessimo lo so..xD
  4. m a r t i n a xxx

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    Hi, beautiful smile! I just want to give you the best wishes for your 24th birthday.
    Have a nice day, Robert, thank you for everything, for being what you are, just your beautiful person. I don't know you but remember that just in a motion you shine my days, you give me emotions even I don't know you, if you speak I dream... You're a gift, do you understand, beautiful smile?
    Martina from Italy
    SPOILER (click to view)
    credo che sia tutto corretto xD
  5. federica biancini

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    "...Love is Life and Life is an immortal love..." For you my Angel!
    Happy birthday with love Fedra
  6. Lilac freesia

    User deleted

    Happy birthday Rob!
    I wish you to spend a wonderful day!
    Bye bye
    Sarah Serafina
  7. 'ginelle

    User deleted

    Simply Happy Birthday Robert! Thanks for being yourself always!
    We adore you! -ginelle
  8. `MiKkiTa

    User deleted

    I could tell you wonderful things, but the real meaning of this message would change, so I just hope you'll have a fantastic birthday, and that you'll enjoy that day.
    We love you Rob, you really mean everything to us.


  9. *Annuccia*

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    Hi Rob! First thing I want to thank you for all the emotions that you give to me.For me you're not only an actor, for me you are the sun, the joy, life!You make me feel good even just with smiling.I want to congratulate you for the success you're having that comes from your professionalism.You are a very nice guy, sensitive .. you have a mixture of qualities that make you a wonderful person and that is why you deserve everything you're experiencing!I hope that you will always be as you are now, as I and all your fans we knew you!
    I wish you a happy birthday to celebrate with your family, your friends and all the people you love!
    I hope one day of be able to meet you and see your smile!
    Never give up!
    with much love, Anna from Palinuro (Italy)

    Super Pattinson

    Calabbria, con due b!

    Faccio italiano perchè mia sorella si è rifiutata XD cerco di essere breve ... se è troppo lunga la rifaccio più corta ^_^

    Ciao Robert!
    Sono una tua grandissima fan italiana e credo tu sia un attore magnifico con talento da vendere ed un fascino unico. Non voglio annoiarti quindi concludo augurandoti Buon Compleanno!!
    Rachele dall'Italia
  11. missPattinson88

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    Ciao rob...
    Auguri di buon compleanno,cresci molto bene e sei riuscito a farci affezionare a te...........grazie alla tua semplicità,ai tuoi piedi per terra,alla tua tenera dolcezza,alla tua ironia,simpatia sei entrato a far parte delle nostre vite........
    avrei voluto farti un regalo unico e speciale oggi ma la lontananza,per adesso,non me lo permette......ma un giorno chissàààààà(spero di poterti dire ciò che penso dal vivo,tu sei in carne ed ossa e non è giusto che fama e film ti tengano cos irraggiungibile).
    AAAH aspetta.....prestissimo sarà anche il mio compleanno(22 anni il 7 giugno)....posso chiederti una cosa?non cambiare mai se puoi,resta il ragazzo che ho imparato a conoscere poco tempo fa libero e serio...........auguri ancora da Giovy(tua vecchia conoscenza che forse hai già dimenticato)

    Hello Rob ...
    Happy birthday, grow very well and you manage to make us fond of you ........... thanks for your simplicity, your feet on the ground, your tender sweetness, your humor, kindness you have entered part of our lives ........
    I wanted to give you a unique and special gift today, but the distance, for now, will not let me ...... but one day chissàààààà (I hope we can say what I live, you're flesh and blood and not just take what fame and films you so unreachable).
    Aaah ..... wait will soon also my birthday (22 years on June 7 ).... I ask you something? Never change if you can, is the guy that I learned about recently and really free. .......... Happy birthday by Giovy (your old knowledge that perhaps you've forgotten?)

    Ecco la mia letterina d auguri a rob,l'ho messa sia inglese che italiano spero che sia giusta.....vi prego mandateglielaaaaaa
  12. scarabea96

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    Hi Robert!
    You are a fantastic actor, but before a wonderful person.
    I follow more than three years. Thanks for the emotions that you transmit and for your sweetness and irony.
    In short, lots of birthday wishes from Beatrice (Italy).
    With Love,
    SPOILER (click to view)
    Farà schifo lo so xD
  13. ChIaRa__88

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    scrivo in breve, se riesco se no accorcio... in italiano.... ragazze....

    Ciao Robert....
    Tanti auguri di Buon Compleanno....
    Cavoli ci sono tante cose che ho in mente e che vorrei scrivere.... ma sò per certo ke le hai sentite 1000 e 1000 volte....
    Ti dico con grande affetto ke sei nei cuori di tutte quante e che sono super d'accordo con le altre ragazze del forum.. su quello ke hanno scritto.....
    Sarei troppo noiosa a riscriverle.... ma sappi ke le riscriverei tutte....
    Ankora mille auguri di compeleanno
    1 abbraccio grande
    Chiara :)
  14. Marghe1985

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    Ecco il mio...:

    "Dear Robert,
    my name is Margherita and I write you from Italy. I hope you are well and in a special day like this, you can enjoy the company of your best friends. I am writing to you Lots of happy birthday, hope you can feel pleased with yourself.



    Ehm...qualche parola è mia, qualcuna è del traduttore...non so se è corretto...spero di si -.-'
  15. ~ C r i s t y <3

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    Dear Rob, I'm Cristina and I'm italian. Thanks for all emotions that you give me. I think you're an incredible actor and I hope you'll spend a beautiful day for your birthday! Waiting for new emotions..
36 replies since 1/5/2010, 16:26   732 views